Printer sharing

Another main service a network provides is printer sharing. You can set up a printer as a network printer, which may be attached to the Netware server or to a workstation. In addition many new printer models can be attached directly to the network cable. Regardless of how a printer is hooked up to the network, any user on the network can access it. The client’s software fools the workstation into thinking that the printer is local, so any application that can print to a local printer can be used with a network printer.

You may be wondering what happens if two users print to the printer at the same time. Users would be upset if their document were acutely printed at the same time. Paper sharing is an idea that hasn’t quite caught on. Fortunately, Netware handles these situations very well. Rather than sending your document directly to the printer, Netware uses a print queue to store the print jobs. The jobs wait in line in the print queue until it is their turn to print. This allows even the busiest of printers to be managed efficiently.

Printing to a network, and setting up network printers, is actually much more involved than we have described here. 
Printer sharing

Printer sharing   

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