File sharing

File sharing is the most basic service a network can provide, and it is the most important. File sharing simply means that users on different workstations can share files. Rather than store the files on their own disk, the users store the file in a network drive. This is a disk drive inside the Netware server. Thanks to the Netware client software, workstation can use this drive as if it were one of their own. For example, they can save files to it, copy files to and from it, and run applications from it.

With file sharing, you can access a file easily, no matter which workstation you are using, as long as you have access to the server. User cans also literally share-files two or more users can be accessing the same file at the same time. Network database application take advantage of this and allow many users to read, add, and change records in the same database at the same time

Although the network server may be in another room (or another building) the network drive can be access quickly. In fact, you may find that it is faster than the workstation’s disk drive. This speed is due to features of net ware such as file caching, which keeps frequently used files in memory, where they can be accessed instantly.

File sharing

File sharing

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